Move Over Kale, There's A New Super Food In Town!

Photo Credit: Debra Jauregui

Photo Credit: Debra Jauregui

Get ready to be healthier in 2020!  Of course, we all know that kale is one of the healthiest foods we can eat. In fact, just one cup of kale is loaded with vitamins A, K, C, and B6. Not to mention magnesium and calcium. 

However, jalapeno peppers are also high in vitamin A, C, and potassium. Additionally, they contain beta-carotene. Which is an antioxidant that may help to prevent damage to your cells. They are rich in folate, vitamin K, and B vitamins. Did you know that these spicy peppers also help you lose weight, fight cancer, are a pain reliever, can help prevent stomach ulcers, are good for your heart and can help fight infections. So move over kale there is a new superfood in town and its name is JALAPENO PEPPER

If you want to ratchet up your nutrition with a one-two punch, start adding this little hot pepper stuff to your diet today to live your healthiest life in 2020.

Articles on the benefits of jalapenos and kale.
Kale VS Jalapeno PeppersBy Chris Green
Move Over Kale: By
Debra Jauregui, Astro Foods International
Director, Business Development / Marketing